Couchbase and Mobile: A love story

The Mobile Landscape Since the release of the first mobile apps, the technology landscape evolved drastically. It seems like only yesterday when the Apple App Store debuted with, what certainly feels like now, a measly 500 apps. A little over a decade later and what do we have to show for it? According to Statista , there are over two million apps within the two largest mobile platforms (Android and iOS). Number of apps available in leading app stores as of 3rd quarter 2018 Global mobile data traffic from 2017 2022 (in exabytes per month) Along with an increase of available apps, mobile device usage, as a whole, has also experienced rapid growth. According to GSMA , two-thirds of the world's population are now connected by mobile devices. It's projected, by 2020, that almost 75% of the population will be connected by mobile devices. Ok, I know what you're thinking; "Yea, those are fascinating numbers, but where's the beef?" An inc...